I just need to vent. I've been on night shift for a year working at a correctional facility and it's really sucking the life out of me. I gained 20 lbs due to stress and flip flopping as well as decreased energy for the gym. Tips ?
Anyone have any success with her programs? I bought one to get me back into shape post surgery (6 week down time ). What's you're favorite aspect of her programs and least fave?
I am having jaw surgery soon and won't be able to chew for 6 weeks or exercise really. I'm sticking to rest day macros . 150 carb,175 protein, 72fat. Any recipe ideas etc to make this bearable?! Thanks :) I'm trying to preserve as much muscle mass as possible but not add fat.
Hello, My name is Jen. I've been lifting and tracking macros for a while. I'm trying to cut...but it's a struggle. Lol