I'm 25, a mom of two daughters, 6 and 2. Looking for new localish momma's :) feel free to add me.
How do y'all so y'alls workouts? Daily or every other day? I've been trying to about 20 mins daily. But yesterday I did a lot of leg and core workouts so I'm cramping. Would it be good to still do a little today? Just not as much leg stuff or stay at the same exercise? I don't wanna fatigue my body.
I'm 25, my names Courtney, I'm from Tennessee, mother of two daughter, 2 and 6, and engaged. I am at my highest weight and I need to lose 60 lbs. After having my youngest I really started putting on weight due to always being home. I lost my job when I first got with my now fiancee and I hardly get out much with having two…