Sweating for the Wedding
Hello All, My name is Emily and I’m getting married on August 18th. So I have a little over 7 months until the big day and I haven’t lost any weight. I don’t know why I have waited this long to get started on my weight loss journey, but I definitely need some motivation and support! I want to lose roughly 25 (minimum)…
Sweating for the wedding
Hey guys I'm Emily. 20years old. I will be getting married in August of 2018, I'm looking for people who are here to Motivate and trying to drop weight! I'm 5'0" and I'm only down 13 pounds. I want to lose at least 20-30 more to be confident in my wedding dress! Male/Female. Short/Tall. Doesn't matter! Feel free to add me…
Sweating for the Wedding
Getting married in August of 2018 . I ordered my dress in March (2017) and have only lost 13 pounds since. This August (2017) I get to try it on for the first time. I have such a hard time staying motivated, especially on the weekends. Friend me so we can keep each other motivated!!
Anyone else trying to lose 30+ before their wedding?
So we have had a wedding date set before we were engaged, but yesterday evening he proposed. So now I need to lose at least 50 pounds before August 15th 2018. So I have 18 months. Anyone else trying lose weight before there wedding? Please add me so we can motivate each other!! -Emily
Anyone trying to lose 50+ ?
Hey , I'm Emily . Need some motivation ! Add me (:
Hey there , I'm Emily ,19years old and I'm looking for some friends to help me reach my goals! Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other (:
New Here
Hey there, I'm Emily. 19 years old. My weight tends to fluctuate. I'm back on track to losing weight. Time to start looking better, feeling better, and building confidence. Hope to make some friends to stay motivated!