What fabric/material do you wear when walking for exercise?
I'm looking for 100% Cotton trackies for my hour daily walks. Good idea or no? Most of my stuff I wear is polyester and not breathable. I have donated bags of clothes after dropping the weight, so looking to rebuild this part of my wardrobe.
College in the US
What age do they go to college? Can I pay now to reserve a spot for my kid (she's 4) at one of the best ones like Havard? What are the best ones in terms of Finance, Business or Economics?
Looking for friends on the same path
Hi my name is Rob. I'm 36 from Sydney Australia. I travel twice a year to the U.S and love both countries as we share similar values. I am currently cutting calories to reduce my BF % to as low as possible while maintaining as much strength as possible via strength training. Once at a suitable BF% and look, I intend to…