I need more friends. Add me if u want to. Have a great day!!
Looking for more friends!! Add an old lady if you want to😂😂. Looking to help each other out!! Thanks
I have just logged in on my home computer instead of my phone and I saw the information about the data breach... should I be concerned???
Good night fabulous oldies but goodies!! Add me if you want I sometimes need a kick in the *kitten* to keep my goals in sight!!
Hello there 48 year old female looking for people to motivate and keep me here!! Hope everyone is having a good day!! For us Canadians enjoy the holiday!!!
Sorry had to say that!!! I’m 48 and looking to improve BP, and get out of prediabetic stage. Please add me!! The more the merrier I think!! Lisa
If you connect your Fitbit with MFP does your food intake get synced to your Fitbit account?? My breakfast did not show up. I thought it did?? Thanks!!
I ask for friends and only one person added me?? LOL so much for introducing yourself and getting friends!!! and yes I am whining!! :smiley:
Hello I am new here... but not new to dieting LOL!! Have been an on again and off again WW user, but I am looking to save some money and here I am ! Not alot of people I know use these apps so I am looking for like individuals to be part of my support group!! Strangers unite!!! Add me and add me to fit bit if you would…