Is it worth waking earlier?
I feel like recently I want to be more motivated, I feel as though I could help myself by waking up earlier each day and actually doing something such as a run or a walk. Does anyone else do this/ think it will help with my motivation? thanks guys xo
Damaged my ankle
Hey, Ive recently damaged my ankle, but hate not working out as its driving me insane and throwing me off my weight loss track. Does anyone have an recommendations for exercises I can still complete without further injury? Thanks!!
Is a fitness tracker worth it?
Im so stumped on whether to get a fitness tracker, I need advice!!. I really want to keep track of what i am doing but are they worth the £100+ ???
Should I get a Fitbit
Hi, Im recently looking at getting a fitness tracker, I have the fitbit app and is wondering if getting an actual fitbit is worth it? What do you guys recommend?? Thanks!!