Dvt and pulmonary embolism
I had a massive dvt and pe in august 2014, just curious to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar and how you are getting along.
Limerick skills
I'm sat here on myfitness pal, A friendly and fun loving gal! I'm bored out my tree, In need of a wee, Listening to heavy metal!
Blokes what can you squat?
So... I may not be the strongest YET Haha! But I have a very unfit male friend dissing my sulquatting 60k and reckoning e can do a hell of a lot more. I think it's bollocks. What can you lot do?
Entertain me
Kid in bed, now I'm really bored! Tell me a joke or something
Tips on gaining muscle for a woman!
Thoughts and tips? I'm quite new to it! I'm training hard, but finding nutrition trickier!
Hi, I seem to have been logged out of my account so I've set up another but lost all my friends