I have a medical issue where I tend to eat the same foods over and over and at the moment I'm stuck on hummus, cold meat and salad. While it's doing my weight loss wonders, I'm looking for more low calorie lunch and dinner ideas, if anyone has any tried and tested recipes too, I'd be very grateful x
I know that people look some and think I need to lose weight so why is it when at a gathering and I am adamant I am choosing healthy, do they say... "oh it's a celebration, have a piece of cake" or "have a cheat day, we are all having a drink" or "but it's a Tuesday, that can be your day off" ? The thing is, I don't want…
Hiya, I'm looking for a good protein shake (UK) one that doesn't taste like artificial sweeteners or that it's been vomited up first
I need help, I need motivation, I'm not good at this diet malarkey! :p I'm a 38 year old mum of 1 little boy and its ridiculous the amount of weight that's sneaked on (ninja style) since I had him. I need to do something about it, so I'm holding myself accountable to every scrap of food that passes my lips! I am up for…