Hello! My name is Sarah Santos and i'm 20 yrs old. I started my weight loss journey on March 27, 2016 and i've lost 105 points by now. It's been hell of a journey but i'm extremely happy and satisfied with my progress. This journey it's not about losing weight anymore, but to a lifestyle. If you are interested on my…
couple months into my journey [June 2016] VS now [June 2017] If you would like to know more about my journey or need some help/motivation, follow me on instagram @sarahsantooscab
My name is Sarah Santos and I'm 20 yrs old. I started my weight loss journey on May 27, 2017 and I've currently lost 100+ pounds. It's been hell of a journey but I couldn't be prouder of how far i've come, I'm not where I want to be but definitely closer than I was a year ago. I've always struggled with my weight but never…
rs. old. I've been on a weight loss journey since May 27, 2016 and I've currently lost 100 pounds. If you want to see more of my journey follow me on ig @sarahsantooscab and introduce yourself