Fitness on instagram
Hey guys! I'm really thinking about making an instagram account for fitness motivation and support from everyone. Sometimes this app isn't the easiest and organized to see all the progress right in front of you. Please let me know if you would be interested and would make something similar. I mostly would add motivational…
Friends who are active daily!
Hey guys! I'm 19 looking to lose weight and am really trying to build a list of friends to help support and get support in return! I love seeing how everyone is doing and would like us all to encourage and work together! I am also thinking about getting a fitness group together on some social media! Add me
Friends and supportive comments!
I'm 19 and really wanna see results. I've been wanting to loose weight for a long time now and I really wanna do it this time but I need help! Looking for friends who like to encourage and have supportive comments. I need someone to push me forward and to do my best so I have it in my head that I need to push myself to do…
Finding friends who are 18-21
Anyone in this age range. Kinda wanna find people near my age!
Starting Fresh!
Hey guys! I'm starting fresh on here! I have a problem of tending to give up on myself...this time I wanna keep going and reach my goals! I need motivation! Add me to help me out and I will do the same for you!
Need motivational friends!
Hi. I am Amanda and I just turned 19. I am starting up my journey again. I feel like I just keep failing, but I wanna go through this time! Help me reach my goals! :)