Texas community 🤠
Hello just looking for fellow Texans on their journey, maybe we can be friends and support one another , I've been on my weight loss journey / weightlifting journey for 18 mon now .. I'm over 75 lbs down all together but only lost about 40 lbs this past year and half .. I've recently lost motivation to count my food but…
Finally back on track ,
Just here to say hi , ... I'm Alisha from Texas , been on my journey for 18 mon now , consistent.. just fell off with my food not to long ago.. but I've dug deep to find the will power , I've lost 75 lbs in the last 5 years and around 30-40 lbs this past year .. trying not to be so hard on myself , that's my biggest…
7 mon journey
I've been on my journey for 7 mon now ..this is my 3rd try but man have I been successful!! I can't believe the progress I've made and the discipline along with my constancy .. it's been an amazing journey so far .. I started at 235 and now I'm at 174 .. it's insane to think about the day I started .. I don't think I had…
Good mornin! Who's going to the gym?
I'm headed out rn .. and it's 8:16 am .. 1 hr cardio sesh 1 hr weights sesh... 😎🦾 LET'S GET IT ‼️
Need new music to run/lift too 🎶
Send me your favorite music to run and lift too... I need a new mix .. something up beat and fast to run to for sure and some real motivational stuff when I lift .. haha 😂 😎THANKS 🙏😊 in advance ..
Hello 🤩👋
Hello .. 😎
Hello 🤠🏋️😎💪🏼 TEXAS here
Currently back on my weight loss journey since January!! I've lost 15 lbs since then .. although I did originally start about 3 years ago .. all in all I've lost about 40 lbs since I first started .. I have mybups and down .. I quit twice .. 3rd times a charm ✨ haha .. anyways this time .. I've been able to stick with my…
Well hello there 🤠
32/f/Texas/mom .. Been back to the gym and healthy eatimg 3 months ago . as well as cutting off dead weight (trash people) and that helped me to quit drinking alcohol .. I forgot what was important to me for a long while .. But im back and fully dedicated and motivated .. Ready to reach my original goal!! Im just here to…
5 month strong in my journey
Hey guys just looking for like minded people for accountability an support , I'm 36lb down, I would have lost more but when I get around family i don't know how to say no to food an snacking .. really need some support , I struggle with guilt .. I definitely do not have a healthy relationship with food an I've excepted…
5 bites a day diet hu?? And questions about apple cider vinegar!?
So anyone ever try this , I'm always doing research an trying new things an I came by this 5 bites a day diet apparently it 5 bites of anything you want for a week or 2 .. an people have amazing results but this can't be healthy!?!?!?! I need opinions answers anything!! Also has anyone tried the apple cider vinegar thing ,…
Losing weight eating rite , taking advice when its given , staying disciplined, an dedicated, started at 230lb , down to 208 lb , an still going , I was inspired by a cousin who was very skinny an trying to build muscle an gain some weight an a friend who was big an trying to lose weight , we are all different an want…
Binge eating
There are weeks that I do absolutely amazing, stick to my diet , workout every day, then I start losing weight ,and then sabotage all my hard work... I've come a long way from being 230lbz I know i should be proud , but there is just something that keeps me down , always feeling like it's not good enough ... I left to…
Looking for people who are motivated like me
Well I started my journey almost 30lbs ago , I'm literally about 1 1/2 away from my goal , I'm so excited to reach it an to be able to set a new one , I'm from Texas, I honestly can't believe how far I've come , an I'm actually sticking with the diet an excercises, I'm in love with my GyM lol if that is a thing haha... I'm…