I'm on the search for some friends girls and guys alike :) I'm from Germany and I'd love to help people get the bodies they want so if you want friends and want help in fitness add me and we will talk :) help to see some adds :)
Looking for some new friends support and people to motivate i wanna help people get to their goals like I did I was extremely overweight now I am not!! Would love to see some new add:) be cool to have someone to talk to on my journey to a better me
Hey people looking for some new friends supporters and motivation if you search for the same and don't mind chatting and getting some friends in a daily basis well add me please would love some friends for my bodybuilding journey
Well not meaning love love just looking for cool *kitten* friends wouldn't hurt to be good looking lol guys and girls add me and we can support each other I'm Danny 23 bodybuilder Irish German and American add me I have like 2 friends lol
If anyone is looking for a friend to gain weight with well add me be awesome to meet cool ppl
Made a new one some mat know me some may not made a mistake and got to friendly with someone so let's try this again and I'd that person sees this well hopr they understand would like friends just for here not for Snapchat kik or something so if you'd like to add then let's be pals