Hi, looking for new friends please. Would be nice to motivate others and get kicks up the rear too. Most of the friends I have are inactive now. Looking to buy a treadmill and rowing machine to do light exercise at home, as my knees are really back after a gym injury back in 2015. I don’t want to let my knees stop me or…
Apologies in advance!! I've looked for posts that already answer my question to save pestering everyone, but I might have missed it....no change there. Lol I'm gluten intolerant and have struggled with the transition. I'm now getting on track.....and although I'm ok preparing meals at home....I tend to struggle more when…
Hi, I've gain 5 stone since getting pregnant with my youngest baba....so I'm desperately in need of getting back into my old clothes (nothing fits other than maternity clothes)......I'm gluten intolerant also....so this is a full on life change, not only to shift the extra lbs but eat good and feel good too. I cycled for…