I’ve decided to try a water only Fasting for 3 days. Today is my first day and I feel fine so far. Had a few hungar pangs when I spen my partners food but other than that I’m doing fine. I might continue beyond 3 days depends on how I feel. I’ve done it before for 5 days. As anyone here water fast, and what was your…
BMI - Body Mass Index Your BMI is a measure of your weight in relation to your height. - People with a BMI of less than 18.5 are underweight. - A BMI of between 18.5 & 25 is ideal. - A BMI between 25 & 30 is classed as overweight. - A person with a BMI over 30 is Obese.
I've just started intermittent fasting I'm doing the (leangains). 16/8 thats where I fast for 16 hrs and eat for 8 hrs.....I'll be doing it for 2 months to see how it has helped me health wise. After I might just continue, because I love the benefits I read.
Any females in Toronto, ON. Looking for a fitness buddy. I'm 32, 5'11 and 240lbs. I just started my fitness journey yesterday. Well I've been trying for awhile and failing so I downloaded this app to help me. Of anyone wants to connect and motivate each other drop me a line. -Sash. :)