So I desperately needs to lose weight needs motivation and to be keep accountable. Due to weight standing and walking for any amount of time is hard and becomes painful
Hi I'm 33 and 498 lbs iv been big all my life was 200lbs before 15, 300 before 20 and so one. I dont no how to be skinny or for that matter at times I feels it's to late at other times I believe I need to make a chage. I'm happy when I eat but at the same time I'm unhappy because I eat .. So I eat to become happy so it's…
I'm currently 498lbs and had a heart scare just last night. Needs to loss weight as quickly and safely as possible on a very very low income.
I am just starting out and I am currently 489lbs and have a large number of health issues most of what have nothing to do with my weight . I have around 88 tumors though out my body, before the doctors can do surgry on me I need to lose 200+lbs as quickly and safely as possible.