So sick of trying so hard to please others, and get no support back. Cooking 3 different meals each night is draining, I cook mine last, but then can't be bothered. So I snack or under eat?! Feeling sad atm.. I've lost weight, and I'm craving for encouragement from my family aswell... Yet no one says anything or helps in…
Since having babies, I've put myself last as every mum does. I've always been that way.. I am feeling now, eating right, exercise everyday, is starting to give me so much more energy and the best sleep in a long, long time...
I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks, I feel nervous about it, a part of me is excited but the other is wanting to get a sledge hammer lol
Hi, first timer... Just trying to put myself first for a change ♥ love yourself first ♥
sounds cheesy but it's true
Still trying to work it all out sorry I'm an 80's baby haha
Hi, first timer... Just trying to out myself first for a change ♥ love yourself first ♥