Hi, so I've lost about 75+ lbs over the past almost year now and I'm not at my goal yet, but I'm noticing some loose skin already. Are there exercises that you can do to tighten your skin? This is the lowest weight I've been at in my adult life and I'm 32, have never had children and don't want to have any kind of surgery.…
Hello, does anyone know of some good premade breakfast shakes and other premade, quick and easy breakfast ideas that I don't have to cook.
How much iron do y'all get daily? What are some food sources that have alot of iron? I don't eat fish and I've heard the supplements aren't that great. At the most I get about 40 out of 100 percent of my iron goal.
Hello, this is kind of a touchy subject I know. But I started dieting back in June of 2017, I started out doing a ketogenic diet for 2 months and then switched to just counting calories. I've been pretty much persistently dieting since June, besides a few cheat days every now and then. I've noticed that I started…