Hi all. Right to try cutting a long boring story story I used to be vegan, due to health reasons I had to change my way of eating. I only eat chicken, turkey, tuna and cod. I don't drink milk, I can't bring myself to, i eat eggs and I can eat a bit of cheese. So my question is i have been looking into keto because I am…
I was just wondering if anyone has done calorie cycling/zigzag calories. I heard it's good for giving a nudge if you are stuck at the same weight and if you want to bulk up but I was wondering if it is any good for everyday or just stay with the daily recommended calories.
The scales........ Are they your best friend or worst enemy? For me I have to love it's honest but hate how it makes me feel. I knew I had gained weight my clothes were getting tighter and I looked 5 months pregnant so feeling ashamed and disgusted decided tomorrow (yesterday evening) I would be straight on here sorting…