We have a crush thread, anon thread, and why you are not my friend....probably somewhere there is a friend thread but I'm too lazy to look for it...
I need ideas...i hate being in the kitchen so the more basic the better...websites, apps, ideas ...anything to help me get going
Go ahead...post all your whines here... Your SO may not wanna hear it Or maybe there is no SO to hear it ... ....but I dont want to cook dinner ...who says I have to feed my kids ...whats wrong with ramen
The new woo button ...some love some hate... I wooed you because... (This is for fun...dont take it too seriously)
What pops into your head randomly... Maybe you've attempted to Google it Could be an odd fact Or thinking of someone ***i know this is a variation of many threads...pm if that offends you***
Stating the obvious... Looking at the poster above ...state the "obvious"...this is done with a grain of salt... Ex...did you know your sign does not make sense Or Did you know that unicorns are magical ***Does not have to pertain to pp Did you know if you drink red wine it stains your teeth...
We've all told them... *to avoid hurting feelings *to avoid events *to end a convo or argument