Hey Everyone, Whoever needs a buddy add me :) :) :) I am from Michigan and would love the support and vice versa.
I rejoined planet fitness. It’s 20 mins from my work and 30 from home but I have to do it. I just can’t justify the expensive gym I was going to.
Hey all need tips and tricks to getting lean and passing my police academy fitness test
I just ordered my first items from Women's Best (all over IG) and I am wondering how good it is? Has anyone tried it or use it?
Help me... I need tips on passing my test. At least the vertical jump part.
My motto this year will be “one day at a time”. I can no longer have the attitude with big goals and high expectations. This simply does not work for me. I need to go at a shape pace and remind myself daily of my small goals and celebrate my small victories as well as my big ones.