Are beans and lentils high on protein or carbs?
Are beans and lentils high on protein or carbs?
Looking for a group
I am 175lbs, I want to lose 40. I am 37years old, so it is a little tougher. Anyhow, I need a group for motivation. My husband and kids love to eat out. I come home tired from work and I don’t have energy to cook. That’s why I am here, I need help to resist restaurants, motivation to cook, and help controlling portions.…
Carry Scope or Listerine with you
Yes, brush your teeth better for about ten minutes before you eat. It can help you reduce the amount of food you eat. By thinking of how clean your mouth feels, your brain limits the intake of food. If you are out, carry mouthwash with you and hold it inside your mouth for a minute more of what you normally hold it for.…
Motivation needed
I’ve tried all diets you can think off, military diet, herba life, hydroxycut, “nuez de la India”, working out, hoodia Cambodia, you name it. Yet, I realize they all work ... ONLY for a while. At the end, it all comes down to consistency and change of lifestyle. I realize to be consistent, I need to be strong minded and be…
Motivation needed
I’ve tried all diets you can think off, military diet, herba life, hydroxycut, “nuez de la India”, working out, hoodia Cambodia, you name it. Yet, I realize they all work ... ONLY for a while. At the end, it all comes down to consistency and change of lifestyle. I realize to be consistent, I need to be strong minded and be…