Anyone in the group from Orlando?
Try playing this game to pump up your friend base: The rules are simple. 1. Post in this thread 2. Anybody who posts in this thread must add the 5 people above that post. (Or more!) 3. You can post as many times as you like. Or not! It's all good!
I played this game last year and picked up some great friends for support. I am starting some challenges this year and I could use all the friends I can get! If you are looking for friends... here you go! The rules are simple. 1. Post in this thread 2. Anybody who posts in this thread must add the 5 people above that post.…
Always like new friends! Add me!
Hi! I was successful in losing 13 pounds in 2010. Did it with just the MyfitnessPal app on my phone and no friends. I realized that in order to stay with it, friends can keep you motivated to stay with it. So because I don't know anyone using the app I hope there are some out there that wouldn't mind adding a friend for…