After some time off bulking i am back on the wagon i weighed in at about 182 ish and after a week of my intenseeeee diet i lost about 7 pounds which isnt ideal but from going from 4000 cals to 2200 it was bound to happen so if your lookibg for a buddy then add me send a message and we can get with it together!
Hey guy back after a year need friends for motivation just send and add and ill add back!
Whos needing me help in fitness and whos ganna wanna support as much as I’ll motivate and support you well add me! Need friends and new at this.
Im Bodybuilding and id love some support back in cutting phase need to be 165 and im 173 be nice to have some pals!
Would love to get some adds from some people that need motivation and support and also give it! Hope to make some new friends i work too much to have any real ones lol
Needing aome friends pwople please add me i wanna get back on the grind and id love the support! Also ill support you!! Hope i see skme requests