For my human nutrition class, I’m supposed to gather information on protein supplements marketed for body builders and evaluate the the value and safety of these supplements. Why are these supplements better or worse than food based protein?
I’ve struggled trying to replenish my protein. Never needed protein powder in high school or through college but I think now that I’m moving into my mid-twenties, peanut butter and energy bars just aren’t cutting it anymore. What’s your favorite? Looking for more natural, less artificial.
I don’t need to know your story, if you don’t want to tell. I’m not about being in your business. I’m about making sure you have what you need to rise up from anything that’s brought you down.
I’ve always considered myself to be a healthy person. At least physically. Always lean and thin, a good metabolism and I eat healthy. Never struggled with weight or eating habits. No. My struggles are far different. Last year, after an abusive and traumatizing relationship, my fiancée dumped me. Yea, big sob story. I’ve…