Hey there! I was wondering if anyone else is training/has trained for an ultra marathon and A) has any recomendations for a good one for my first one and B) could tell me what your weekly mileage was leading up to your race. As you can tell from my first question, I don't yet have a set date, but atm I'm at about 30 miles…
Hello! I am training to run an ultra marathon, and yes, I know it's crazy- Thats all anyone ever tells me haha. And when i'm around friends and family, its easy to laugh with them when they tell me i'm crazy. But at the same time, I know whats going through their heads, they assume I'm going to fail, or wake up one day and…
Hello all! i'm new here. Joined recently as I wanted to start actually tracking my fitness (i'm not new to working out, just new to tracking it :smile: ). I am hoping in about a years time to run a marathon, which I know is a big task. But that is my goal, so yea. glad to be here! and hoping to meet other motivated people.