I dont want to over think anything.
Hi!! Im new here. When I was in elementary school I used to be the fastest runner in my class. I even won first, second and third medals in a race. I new that I ran for the joy of it, but after that I never joined sports and as time went by I grew to love art and dislike sports. Now as an adult I realize that balance is…
Try, try, try.
Nothing in life is easy, yet its not impossible and is more than plausible. You will go far if you try, when you fail jusy try again. Don't be afraid to try. Try again until you are tired of trying and when you rest try again. Then you have not failed you will never fail when you try. :) :) :)
Positive words
Words are so powerful, just like you! So being positive in what one says to ones self is important. Say you are happy, say you are motivated and say you are one of a kind because you truley are and original being. Positive vibes equal positive outcomes.
I'm gaining so much.
I'm gaining my health back, I started watching and being more conscious of what I eat. Then I felt so good I started running. I hadn't ran in years. Then I bought a jump rope. Life is super exciting!
Positive thinking for positive outcomes
I am trying my best in life, I am successful at all I do. I set and accomplish goals. I am new here and I am trying my best to do whats best for my health. <3