Lost motivation to be in shape and saw the results in the mirror. Found this app and so far it’s keeping me focused on a goal. 3 days in whoohoo. I’m in Washington state and the nearest gym is 30 minutes away so I converted my garage into a unique fitness facility lol. I can now visualize my buff body so clearly .
Well.. Friday hit and that was it. Started with a couple beers then it turned into a party which to me means high caloric intake and no metabolism from pizza booze and candy. Boom I feel like *kitten* and tomrrow is a Monday 😀
I’ve never been a morning person. I can wake up and go but I always hit the snooze at least three times before I actually got up. For years I kept telling myself to get up and work out because it would set the right tone everytime to have a productive day. I just wouldn’t commit to it. Now that I’m fully committed to my…
Lacking it .... for crying out loud lol Over slept, didn’t exercise, and took about two hours to actually do any work when I got to work. Hiding in my office thinking about ordering something delicious from Uber eats ....