Hey all! I’m coming here to try to jumpstart my motivation. I’ve struggled with losing weight and generally taking care of my body as long as I can remember.. but there was also a point where I did think about what I ate or drank and If I had been active that day.. lately I don’t mind at all. I don’t know how to start…
Hey all - I am looking for some dinner recipe suggestions that do not contain meat! Kicking off my vegetarian diet here again (took a break after 10 years) and I'm starting to see that many of the meals I would have before contained so much sodium and preservatives.. although would provide that "wholesome dinner" feel that…
Good afternoon everyone - Newbie here! I have struggled with the person I see since before I can remember. Not only is that image not improving, but it's getting worse and more difficult to stay motivated.. The real issue here is being able to work towards my goal/see results by getting over my fear of going to the gym. I…