Excercise Calories
Hi! Just getting back on the bandwagon after a long pause. I don’t want to eat back the excercise calories, I’d like to disable them. I’ve tried looking everywhere but can’t find where to disable. No, I don’t have premium. Any help?
Restaurant Typos?
Hi there. New, just roaming around looking up calories and food items. Anybody else notice that there are some discrepancies with food items? For example, we have a Montana Mike’s steakhouse where I am. This app says a dinner roll is 300 cal...but then you scroll a ways down and the same item says bread/roll is around 170…
Eating entire caloric allowance
Hi! New here as of today. My husband also joined and he is supposed to be 3,000 calories for weight loss. My question is, does one have to eat the entire caloric number each day in order to lose? Or is it ok to come under the recommended calories? Weight watchers used to tell you that you HAD to eat every point you…