I’ve been good for 149 days and last night for the first time at a birthday celebration I went over 800 calories. Apparently Chili’s isn’t a health food restaurant. Can you guys talk me off the ledge?
When I started out tracking my calories and restricting my intake I didn’t know anything. I was hungry all the time. I didn’t know what to eat and what not to eat. I started buying all my food every day. I went to the grocery store and what a shock that was! Every thing has higher calories! After a while I got in a rhythm.…
Ive been restricting calories for about two months and I noticed that my normal will to work out is going away. I usually work out about 4 times a week twice at the gym and twice at home. Lately Im lucky to force myself to do twice a week . I feel like Im hurting myself nutritionally. Ive lost 8 lbs. Any suggestions? This…