Are you interested in tracking Natural Sugar vs Added Sugar?
Sugars are generally divided into two types: natural and added. Natural sugars are naturally found in certain foods like fruit or milk, while added sugars are added to foods during preparation.
Is It Possible to View Minutes Exercised Per Week?
In the MyFitnessPal app I can see my daily exercise. But, can I see exercise per-week? This would help me make sure I am getting enough exercise week-over-week. If this is possible, how I can get find that view? If not, it seems like a useful feature!
Support added vs natural sugars
Nutrition facts these days separate natural sugar and added sugars. It is disappointing to see that this is missing from MFB, and it is a gap in modern nutrition tracking. Studies have repeatedly shown that how you consume your sugar matters a lot. Sugar consumed via whole fruits and vegetables is better for you than sugar…