hey now ~~ How do you motivate yourself to eat?
My partner is in charge of cooking, but they've developed such severe epincondyllitis that tonight after they've made their usual meat-heavy dinner, all they'll have strength for is to slap together a skimpy pbj and a couple wilted strawberries for my dinner. They sad the other day that we had plenty of good TJs food left,…
59 yo alter-abled per
I just started using the calorie counter and love how easy it is. I ate 1340 calories today and walked four miles, so I'm on track to lose weight? Awesome partner has a colonoscopy on Monday so i'll be eating pbjs for a while.
New to site
I'm 59 {yesterday}and alter-abled from a stroke a decade ago, but partner and I get out and walk ten or miles most weeks. I do need a sweet little three-wheel walker, but we keep a good 3mph, except when they're taking their thousands of bird pictures. Because of issues from my stroke and problems with broken appliances in…
usual four-mile birdwatching stroll before breakfast
who else has enjoyed the outdoors today?
Alter-abled per loves walks, hates food
I've been alter-abled for a decade, ever since an AVM bleed and stroke rebooted my once Mensa quality brain. Now I have a really hard time eating because no matter how stoned I am, nothing tastes good. My otherwise awesome partner gets snippy at me because because they don't remember me telling them i only want PBJs and…
i like exercise way more than food. i'm 58, a decade post stroke and eat as little as i can get away with without pissing off my partner who does all the work. i refused to give them a bj this morning, so . . .
How do you know how much you weigh? I don't see any doctors and haven't owned a scale in decades. I focus more on how far and how steadily I can walk.