Am I under eating or not
Ok I’m averaging out at 1,328 daily and apparently this is under my BMR? Is this right which is in my data so any exercise ones are added later. I walk daily with some speed walking thrown in now and again. That’s an hour or 2 per day and is broken up to. I’m lowish carbing as in under 130g carbs a day or less most days. I…
Hanging stomach
Not sure how to put a picture here but I have a hanging stomach of fat very deflated unless I’ve eaten a lot of carbs and it looks like I’m 6 months pregnant due to bloating. Hence avoiding loads of carbs for that and for my sugar levels. It get infected now which doesn’t help my mental health but I went lowIsh carb for my…
Gallbladder removal
I was rushed in on the 21st August with back pain thinking it was a kidney infection again as I get them occasionally. I’m now due for a MRI on my stomach and maybe a camera down the throat eeekkkk!!! I’m just hoping they just take it out altogether. It’s all a waiting game being UK and our good old NHS. So question to…