Exercise calories do you use them for food?
Hello. Should I be saving calories from exercise to boost weight loss or should I be eating them? Sorry if this has been repeated I've just joined.
Hello here's my story why I'm starting, what was yours?
Hi everyone, I was very healthy and fit until I had a bad car accident, the weight piled on due to a very unhealthy lifestyle, something I admit was in my control and I have no excuse for piling on as many stones I have. Last year I met the guy I want to marry, and I hope to one day. So I've decided I need to stop making…
Any advice for a very unfit woman where to start?
Hi everyone, I need to start exercising again to get my health and fitness up. It's hard to admit but I haven't done any for a very long time. I used to be very active and worked out for 5 days a week until I had a bad car crash. Any tips or advice for someone starting fresh with very poor fitness, ideally to get my health…