Week of June 15th Challenge!
Hello friends! Your challenge today is to take a picture at some point this week and either share on our “ICC Fit Club” Page or simply show Desiree or Myself in person! Must have some kind of veggies in it! 🙌🏻
Week of: June 8 challenge!
Hello everyone. As we start a new week, let’s try to challenge ourselves to a fruit or veggie at every meal!
June 1st Challenge!
Happy June, friends! Today’s challenge is to try and drink plenty of water! Aim for at least half your body weight (in ounces)! Summer is basically here in Alabama and it’s so important to stay hydrated!
Let’s Get to Know Each Other!
So glad everyone is jumping on board with our Nutrition Challenge! Please be sure to check out the discussion board for our “get to know you” questions! 🙌🏻
May 25th-July 3rd Nutrition Challenge
Any questions, comments, encouragement, tips, etc. can go here! Also check here for regular helpful posts from our ICC personal trainers.