Water flavor?
I like water, but trying to get a gallon in, I get a little bored, what’s your favorite water flavoring?
Today is day 1! Help me stay motivated
I woke up today and stepped on the scale to 249, I desperately never want to see 250 ever again so today starts my journey back to 199 and beyond. I want to do this for myself, I NEED to do this for myself. Please join me and let’s motivate eachother Katy 30 years old 5’11 Starting 249.6 First goal 199 Ultimate goal 175
I would really like motivated friends
I don’t like to disappoint others and I really think having accountability partners will be extremely helpful for me, I will also check in on you and make sure you are making good choices! Let’s add eachother!
One day at a time
I’ve successfully eaten right and worked out 5 times for a 2 weeks, which is more than I can say for the last 2 1/2 years, so I’m celebrating, even if it’s only 2 weeks.