I was doing leg curls the other day, nothing too crazy weight-wise, and I think I grunted a little too hard on the upswing and something popped in my abdomen. Not sure if it was a rib or a muscle, but it was right at the bottom of my ribs on the right side almost centered over the last rib.
I don't know if this is normal or not but it seems like most of the time I'm either fighting the urge to eat, or even after eating fairly normal portions throughout the day I feel like I just ate a thanksgiving meal.
Not sure if this has been discussed before or not, but is there any merrit to the body type diet that I'm always seeing? I know there's no real quick fix out there but if there was a way make things work in my favor......
About the time that I got married, 11 years ago, I was working out pretty hard. I had a trainer, took classes, biking but never got the results that I was looking for, diet probably didn't help. I'm not trying to look like Arnold or anything I just want to slim down