I'm 65, and have been going through the same routine for literally decades. Each January I see that I weigh 174 pounds, which is more than I want to weigh. So I go back to counting calories with the goal of weighing 155-160 pounds. I decide that I will never stick with just 1200 calories, so I select 1450 calories.…
maybe someone here can help me understand this. I have a set of bands with handles that I shut into the hinges of the door so I can pull them. The lowest weight is ten pounds, the highest is 40, and I am currently able to pull ten plus 40 (clipped together), doing bicep curls and a couple of other big muscle exercises. In…
I've always exercised, but have never been an athlete. At age 65, I realized I need MORE exercise to stay active and maintain a reasonable weight… but am still working and only have so much time available! what do you think of this routine? 6x per week ten minutes of general flexibility 3X per week intensive flexibility…
I'm a 65 year old woman, currently trying for the one hundredth time to lose the same 20 pounds. I've tried low glycemic, simple calorie counting, weight watchers, noom, etc. etc., lose the same five pounds. After 3-4 months of whatever diet, I always decide it's not worth the pain to lose five pounds. I should mention…