Hi. My name is Susan and I live with EDS, elhers danlos syndrome. A chronic muscle and joint disorder that may have cardiac implications. Causes chronic pain, fatigue , and weakness. I hope this group is still active.
Hello. I have found in the past that daily accountability with posting stats and the support from others in the group is huge. I invite all to join me in posting and walking through this journey together. My name is Susan, I'm 55; 56 in July. My highest weight is 275, about 12 years ago I lost 100lbs using Noom. In the…
Hi. I'm hoping this group is still active. Exactly what I need. Please reach out
Hi everyone. My name is Susan. I take meds that slow down my metabolism and cause weight gain and other side effects that hinder weight loss. Ironically the one that affects me the most is Adderall, because of the appetite suppression. I take it in the am and the loss of appetite kicks right in. And wears off around 5pm.…
EDS, or Elhers Danlos Syndrome (sp?) Is a muscle disorder where the muscles around joints are loose causing hyperflexibility, chronic pain and muscle weakness, Fatigue, and overall feeling like crap. At least it manifests that way for me. Any chronic condition can be devastating. The frustration, fatigue. and depression…