Dance workouts
So, I'm looking to try some dance workouts besides zumba!! Does any one have any suggestions? I really need to focus on my core and switch up my routine a bit, so if anyone does dance workouts and want to share I would appreciate it!
Gluten Free, please share your recipes!!
So here's the scoop. I live with 9 other family members and every last one of them can eat gluten. except for me. and its hard. I would love it if anyone who knows how to bake/cook gluten free, or lives gluten free could give some tips and recipes for making it a little easier to eat with the rest of the family. Its…
For the Ladies: Cramps while running
So, I went up into the woods for a run, and about a mile into the run I had a sudden case of "woman cramps" They were so bad I could barely stand straight, and had to walk back to my house. When I got back the cramps subsided and were barely there. The weird part was, i'm not having my period and aren't expecting it for…
What stretching routine do you do to cool down?
I would love some more stretching ideas, I do the basic don't knot up stretches but need some more variety. Oh, and i'm not super flexible so no turning inside out stretches please!