is there a way to do a direct upload? I made these awesome lookin sandwiches
Anyone have tasty suggestions for dinner?
So, here's the deal. the last 2 weeks i haven't lost weight (not that my scale can pick up on anyway, since its analog) but I have lost inches, and you can really tell when you look at my face. I'm kinda proud but i want the inches off my hips!!! grumble grumble hip hip hips okay, i'm done. Short of liposuction,…
So, i'm wanting to do a league of legends cosplay for next dragon con Do i want this version of miss fortune: or the waterloo counterpart?…
Who does it, anyone have any good DVDs or classes that they do?
So I have the Zumba game for both the Wii and the Xbox 360, anyone interested in being a workout buddy? (sorry if posting in wrong area)
So....I'm addicted to Dance Central, and Zumba on the Xbox, if anyone wants to play with me send me your gamer tag! Mine is RelicGoddess