would you date someone with no lisence?
Ok, just wondering, if you met someone that was awesome but had no license** from a mistake made years ago, would you be able to date them if everything else in their life was right on track? **Spelling the word license wrong probably did not help my case. **runs and hides**
c25k question
Question for all my C25k ladies and gentleman out there, I am currently in week 3, and my legs are killing me! Not good sore like worked out hard or stood up all day, but it hurts going up and down stairs, etc. in like my joints and knees and makes it almost unbearable to run. I have great shoes that I bought after being…
My Varying Weights...need opinion?!
Ok, so I have had some weight issues and yo-yo dieting in my past, where I have been heavy to relatively a twig. I just wanted some opinion on which weight you all thought was best on me. Trying to set a reaistic goal :) Me at my heaviest: (about 187 lbs) Me at my lowest: (about 130 lbs) Me last summer: (about 160) Me now:…
Anyone in the 21-29 range looking to lose 50 lbs?
Hi!! My name is Christy, I am currently 5'9 and 181 lbs, and am looking to lose 50 and get back down to 130 where I was pre-college. I really need someone with similiar stats that wants to email back and forth and maybe swap pics and motivation and just generally be a friend! If this is you let me know :)