I have heard people say that protein shakes speed up weight loss. But, I have never known enough about them, to get started on them. I am looking for more information on them, and what would be the best ones I guess? Any help would be amazing!! :)
Burn calories without breaking a sweat: use these seven tips to make your metabolism work overtime even while you're resting 1 NEVER SKIP MEALS Five or six meals spaced throughout the day are easier to digest, won't send your body into starvation mode, and will speed up your metabolism and help you stay lean. Here are some…
Hello Everyone. My name is Lezley, and I am 24 years old. I reached a point in my life, where I want to make the right decisions and start getting healthy. I graduated HS at 126lbs. At my heaviest, a year ago, I weighed in at 192lbs. I went though a bad break up and lost 20 lbs last year. I have been able to maintain..…