Picked up the Firm Express set today, planning on starting fresh on Mondya with it. Has anybody else tried this program? Any tips or suggestions if you have??
Has anybody elses diet given them totally off the wall dreams??? Mine have been flat crazy the past few days!!!
Today is my scheduled rest day between workouts. I have a weigh in tomorrow though.....Do I still do my rest day or should I still try to work out at least a little bit????? I'm totally torn!!
I'm contemplating starting to do 2 a day workouts, one in the morning before work and one after work. Don't know if this will get me the results that I'm trying to achieve or not. Any one have any thoughts on this??
:blushing: I'm new to all this and I'm hoping I can just stay motivated to stay on track, we live a pretty busy and hectic life (6 kids) so any suggestions are welcome especially on ideas for staying motivated to get workouts accomplished, that is my biggest struggle.