ive just found out im pregnant and really unsure of the best diet for a healthy baby, calories needed and so on whats the best foods. Im trying my hardest for a healthy pregnany, ant help would be great. (info this is my 8th pregnancy, i have a 4 year old girl, but my son was stillborn at 34 weeks , 4 miscarriages and a…
Ive just found some hoodia im my vitamin case, i bought it for my wedding to loose weight very quickly i had 2 weeks to lose 14lb, and it worked along side starving myself lol, anyway they where put aside afer the wedding, i just found them again still in date, and have been using them for 2 days. I just looked online and…
dont know if this is the right forum , but today is easter ( i know stating the obvious haha) but my chicken for dinner is still part frozen its a whole chicken, ive got it in warm water at the moment , is there any quick tricks?, i know random question, thank you in advance for any help and HAPPY EASTER !!