Dark/milk chocolate
A friend of mine asked me if chocolate was vegan/vegetarian friendly. I honestly did not know the answer. Can someone shed some light for me please?
dark/light chocolate
A friend of mine asked me if Vegetarians or Vegans eat dark or light chocolate. I honestly don't know. Can someone tell me if Chocolate is vegan/vegerarian friendly?
Active members?
I just joined even though I did not see any recent posts...is anyone still interested in being active? Tonight, I really wanted to go for a Big Mac meal but instead ate a piece of toast with a thin layer of jelly. I'm still thinking about Mr. Mac...
I would like to introduce myself. I am a 49 year old person who wants to have a healthier lifestyle. I am trying to go vegetarian right now (I admit, I back slide and then feel discouraged), and my goal is to be vegetarian/vegan. Does that make sense? I am starting this journey due to being type 2 diabetic and having…
My Blog
I am starting to post in "my blog" today. I noticed an icon that says "votes". What is this?