I'm Melissa, a 30-year old SAHM of one son who is 9 months old today YaY! I've been unable to shed the extra baby weight since giving birth so I joined this site hoping to improve my horrible eating habits and try to find the motivation to exercise more so than I am already. It's a pleasure to meet everyone here!
If you feel the need to vent about your frustrations you can lean on me. I don't mind being s-u-p-p-o-r-t-i-v-e hence the name of this board. We all don't have picture perfect lives and there are a great deal of people out there that not only understand this but there are those of us who aren't sick of listening to your…
Got any great exercises to diminish my love rolls? (Tehe) I've been doing 74 sit ups 3 times a week for a little while but I can't seem to tighten the 'flub' Any ideas?