Joke Thread (its Friday)
Why a joke thread? Because it is Friday and I am not being as productive as I planned on being today. So I might as well start a joke thread. Clean jokes, dirty jokes, highbrow jokes, lowbrow jokes no joke is excluded. So, come on and post some jokes!
Universal Moral Code?
What is morality, what is ethics? Is there such thing as a universal moral code? There are many religions with very specific prohibitions, especially in terms of diet. But are there certain things that are right or wrong to all religions and cultures? If so, what are they? Plato and Aristotle had one view of virtue…
Is a calorie a calorie?
A very good blog from the New York Times related to weight loss, diet and nutrition. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/is-a-calorie-a-calorie/
1. e4
Since the category is "Chit-chat, fun and games" I was wondering if there are any chess players on MFP. There have been several scientific studies demonstrating the intellectual/mental benefits of fitness and exercise so I suspect there are several. If you are into chess, my first move is to move the king-side pawn forward…
Should I be worried?
How much should I be worried if I am losing weight at a rate considerably higher than 1 lb per week? My wife introduced me to MFP about 3 days before I underwent a surgery. Due to the type of surgery I underwent I would probably be losing weight right now with or without MFP as a Nissen Fundoplication involves lifting the…
Loosing weight and my shoes feel loose
Is this normal? Does weight loss also occur in feet? I've never lost weight before so I've never noticed this.