Is there any hope of losing the tummy?
First of all, I'd like to say, I've only lost 32lb (because I put on 2lbs oops) and I know I have a long way to go yet before I'm "there" but I was just wondering if there is really any hope of ever losing the tummy skin I've got, or is it likely I'll just keep going and going and not ever get "there" I mean, don't get me…
the "perfect" balanced diet.
Ok... so, here goes... I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me to figure out what the "Perfect" balanced diet would be. Its all very well saying "you must eat..." and "you must not eat..." BUT... what IS the perfect balance? Does anyone have an example of the foods you would eat that were balanced, nutritious, with…
Am I the only one with no "target" weight?
I was just wondering if I'm the only person here that doesn't have a target weight. There are reasons for this, I suppose the main one would be that I've been fat all my life - well at least all of my adulthood and most of my chilhood, and I don't know when I'll be comfortable with my weight. Does anyone else have this…
Hi. This might sound a bit silly, but I've really been put off eating fruit by the amount of sugar that is in it. I'm not very good at the whole nutrition knowledge, but can anyone please help me - or does anyone feel the same way? I'm happy to eat fruit and vegetables generally, I love them... but the sugar is really hard…