I've been living with this disease for about 5 years now and still don't quite have the meds right. Prior to diagnosis, I was the thinnest I have ever been - 136 lbs, 5'7. Since starting the meds, I have gained 30 lbs. I can eat perfectly for a week, loose 2 lbs and have once cheat day and gain it back plus 2. I…
It hit me this morning, just now, as a matter of fact, that all I do is think about food... A little back story, I have never been "fat". I've always thought I was "fat", I have always been on some sort of diet, deprivation plan, always striving to be thin. I gave birth to three children, the first 2 I only gain 24 lbs…
I am curious about why I can consume 430 calories in a smoothie made with banana, pineapple, strawberries, lowfat vanilla yogurt and OJ and it does nothing to my hunger - I mean nothing. I ran 3 miles this morning and that is more calories then the run, I am blending the fruit. I can eat a breakfast sandwich made with 1…